=googlefinance() for dividends? A workaround for getting dividends into Google SheetsThe =googlefinance() function in Google Sheets does not yet have an automatic way to bring in the dividend yield, so it must be done manually. In this video I show a very quick way to update dozens of dividends in just a few clicks. While it is possible to write a script / macro to pull in the information automatically, this is a very simple, no-code way. I spend 7 minutes discussing the method, but in reality, you could apply it in just 1 minute. This isn't something that needs to be done all the time, generally every few months is good enough. The extra benefit of keeping a list of all of your positions in Yahoo Finance, is that you can also skim through the other information that they provide, such as ex dividend, and payment dates. You can get the dividend stock screener I use in the video here. If you are Canadian and want to start buying dividend stocks, Wealthsimple Trade is a really easy and convenient way to start putting aside some money. You can even buy one stock at a time for just a few dollars. If you have $100 to invest, you can use the link above, and they’ll add $10 your account as a bonus. Immediate 10% ROI... not bad! If you already signed up for Wealthsimple Trade, you can still claim the $10 with this code: BL5OIW Disclaimer: I am not a financial professional or advisor. Nothing on this website or the associated social media accounts constitutes financial advice. I'm just documenting my own investing journey and don't suggest that you do the same. Investing is risky, so make your own decisions or hire a qualified professional make them for you.
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Alpine DividendsI'm documenting the growth of a Canadian dividend investing portfolio and make videos about dividend investing, Canadian stocks, Wealthsimple Trade, Google Sheets, personal finance, and passive income.